15 Jun Things I do in the South Australian Winter
I live up the Hill – we enjoy magical fog, sure, but winter means I get up in the morning and get the woodfire burning, first thing – then switch the kettle on in that order – basic survival. In front of the fireplace, that’s where I roll out my mat to exercise – you would have guessed! – I try to do that before all the everyday demands kick in – next thing: my son needs a lift to the school bus (I don’t have the heart to send him out on his bike in the pouring rain) and the I get to work.
In the last few weeks I have been out at Mutton Cove (that is at the very end of the Lefevre Penninsula, the weather is totally different here at the sea, so I get my vitamin D… )
This is a magical place, a small gem – heavily fenced in – that has been cared for and has an unexpected richness of Samphire growing (still) that attracts a variety of bird life. Of course, the place is full of stories ranking along the shipwrecks and other melancholic features.
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