Artist in Residence Adelaide City Library, March/ April 2017
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About This Project

Artist in Residence Adelaide City Library, March/ April 2017

“On a cold day in warm light,
Shining reflections of discarded futures
Happened upon by man of child
Fences of fish”

Message in a Bottle was created by participants, visitors at the City Library were invited to join in a workshop set up around an overhead projector on a table surrounded by transparent plastics sourced from household waste. From this three dimensional pile of junk littered on the table mesmerizing images where created by participants and thrown up on the wall. From here I collected the images with the camera. A slideshow of all the images was then played during library opening times. During the workshops, the audience was invited to comment and share their thoughts about the environment, and plastic and of course art. A forum to think about the effects of our use of resources through direct contact.

Paper Work