02 May Double Check – continuous
Double Check has been exhibited in Whyalla and then went to the Adelaide Airport for the next show. I got a call towards the end of the exhibition – the artwork had been stolen (the drawings, the videos ofcourse remain) – from the AIRPORT??? how did they get past all the security and cameras, I am impressed! I was rather surprised, I hadn’t expected such devoted fans!
Well, I decided that it was a great opportunity to continue and make next trilogy of Double Check. I am just installing the drawings in Tulln, Austria to be exhibited here:
If you are not going to Tulln in the near future – you can just check out the videos. It is a strange thing, living your daily life and every now and then you look into the mirror and are suddenly surprised to see this person, that you ought to know, but are not quite sure if you really do, as it has changed since you last saw it…
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