Participatory Exchange Archives - Cynthia Schwertsik
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[gallery ids="16620,16621,16622,16623,16619,16618,16617,16616" orderby="rand"] Desert Pearls An ephemeral public artwork presented in 5 video sequences (single channel HD looped, with audio) at Broken Hill Regional Gallery April 2021 and at Wir sind die Goldene Revolution! July 2021 commissioned by the Broken Hill Regional Gallery In recognition of significant women, past and present,...

WAYS of WALKING is a tour of everyday strolls through Unley tracing unique experiences of local people in Malvern, Highgate, Fullarton, and Myrtle Bank. There are 20 stations, each has a tale from the community that has been transformed into a short story and images that...

A metal frame with rounded edges; an attempt to reinvent the wheel: that is the Zentrifuge. In its laborious fashion, the ZENTRIFUGE warps and wends over the pavement, pacing through the urban landscape; loud, demanding, present. Within this frame, Cynthia falls out of the common...

[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column][vc_column_text] Temporary Servicestation Ein Bottich mit weißer Farbe, das werte Publikum ist eingeladen etwas zum WEISSWASCHEN zu bringen - das Tagebuch wird wie neu, das Hemd fleckenfrei, die Weste weiss, der Alltagsgegenstand wird transformiert, ein Kunstwerk entsteht vor den Augen...

Photos series in Sepia Red White and Cynthia Schwertsik Invited for a Residency in Balcik, Bulgaria at the Black Sea we were confronted with numerous Monuments of the communist area. Somehow these large-scale sculptures have always been strangely misplaced, but now they seemed almost comically with their...