News, exhibitions and current work, both on show and in progress
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I am very pleased to present to you my socially engaged art project Bestowed - a poetic art service of listening and recycling that is taking place in the Adelaide Hills. on Thursday the 13th of March at Hahndorf Academy and on Sunday the 23rd of March...

UTE-ilitarian, my moving image work from 2019, captured so eloquently by Jennifer Hofmann and performed by mrs and mr red white, will be presented at Festival de Nouvelle Comédie in Lyon, France from 12-14.April and is  currently on show in the Adelaide Town Hall as...

image: George Greatz Konzeptuell Poesie Schwertsik+Endlicher+CEMS Eröffnung: 16. November, 19.00 Zur Ausstellung spricht Wolfgang Giegler. Die Ausstellung läuft bis 9. Dezember 2023. Die österreichisch-australische Künstlerin Cynthia Schwertsik und der österreichische Künstler Michael Endlicher bilden seit 2010 das Duo CEMS. Sie arbeiten sich an den multiplen Erscheinungen der Kunsthervorbringungen seit der Moderne...

image: Rosina Possingham text: Susan Charlton Cynthia Schwertsik is the body in the body of workThe body traversing the landscape, tracing its faultlinesThe body contemplating the archive, registering its enormity She is here, but not from here – bringing her own histories of country, movement, language and art....

Currently, I am preparing for an EXHIBITION at Hahndorf Academy: How to Exit a Reality, in 7 chapters the opening event takes place on the 5th of August at 4-6pm I am quite excited about this opportunity to share new art work that has emerged from a collaboration with...

Cynthia Schwertsik, My Name (in-progress detail), 2022, acrylic paint, ephemeral mural installation at Port Pirie Regional Art Gallery, dimensions variable. Commissioned by Country Arts SA and presented with support from Port Pirie Regional Gallery. Image: Kathy Gould....

  Neoteric is a declaration of the importance of artists. During times of insecurity, we turn to art to get us through. Neoteric is an exhibition and an advocation, affirming the talent of 20 mid-career artists, 20 writers. The exhibition presents new works, exploring, embodying and...

Reckless Bucketeers Cynthia Schwertsik and Janine Mackintosh 2020   Dhawun Guwaala-y comes from the Gamilaraay language, meaning earth conversing or having two-way conversation. While peoples’ collective collaborations, conversations and relational connections with Country—with the land, waters, environments, rocks, wind, stars and the enormity of the more-than-human, are always...

The New Money is an exhibition curated by Andrew Purvis that is on show at Adelaide Central Gallery from the 9th of February till the 20th of March. I have developed Bureau d'Exchange, a new work that contemplates how we will think about the economy...

Das Kind mit dem Bade Ausschütten, that's where we began. Ray Harris, Jesse Budel and I took a trip down the drains following urban waterways. Following the invitation to this year's ADHOCRACY by VITALSTATISTIX in Port Adelaide, we explored the commodified water supply through the built...

Some more images from the art work that is still popping up all over the City of Sydney. Every now and then I get a post sailing in, the work seems to be rather popular and particular in dire times it is a uplifting to...

Exciting artwork launch at the Sir Robert Helpmann Theatre. Image: Town THOROUGHFARE Readings, Cynthia Schwertsik Join us for the official opening of the SA Power Networks Sir Robert Helpmann Theatre residencies Cynthia Schwertsik Town THOROUGHFARE Readings & Dr Jesse Budel Strata Wednesday 11 December 2019, 11.30am Sir Robert Helpmann Theatre Courtyard Jesse Budel and Cynthia Schwertsik...

News from my residency in Mount Gambier in the heart of Mount Gambier is a deep pit and arranged around that magnificent central sinkhole are the Gallery, the Library, the Jazz Academy and the Theatre. Here, in the middle of everything, at the entrance to the...

I am so excited to be part of this opportunity: Country Arts SA this week announced the 10 artists selected to participate in the Land Arts of the Limestone Coast Retreat in November.The artists were selected from a competitive field of over 80 applicants from across...

The Guildhouse Collections Projectwith Flinders University Art MuseumCynthia SchwertsikUTE-ilitarianGuildhouse and Flinders University Art Museum invite you to the opening ofUTE-ilitarian by contemporary South Australian artist Cynthia Schwertsik Thursday 8 August 20193 – 4pm | Participatory artist talk in conversation with curator Nic Brown4 – 5.30pm | Exhibition Launch To... Closing a Chapter to open a new door As an artist, I collect endless amounts of images, newspaper articles, flyers of other artists work. I make sketches and write notes to myself of ideas that flicker through my mind. Drawers and cupboards filled with years worth...

Country Arts SA has invited me for a residency at: Palace of Production. lucky me will be on Kangaroo Island during April this year. This opportunity gives me time to materialise and develop the ideas that are floating in my mind. I am so excited and...

way into this year already, I am working my way through the collection of Flinders University Art Museum. Frantically paging through the archives of performance and conceptual art - "ART OF THE WALL" it's called. I am looking for the Australian version of this artform....

This is a public artwork commissioned  by the City of Unley - for the series of Arts in Your Space. Ways of Walking is a walking tour of everyday walks and unique experiences of local people in Malvern, Highgate, Fullarton and Myrtle Bank. There are 20...

Broken Hill has a women’s memorial – nevertheless ,so far I have only found one specific woman: Lieutenant Vivien Bullwinkel memorised. This project turns the focus on the heritage of female presence in Broken Hill through storytelling and a mural. After presenting My Name in...

Yes, some of my work happens in German language and I will not translate - it is visual arts after all - so I hope it speaks for itself. Die Ausstellung #tullnart  ist noch diese Woche geoeffnet - freue mich wenn Ihr noch vorbeischaut! Ausser einem...

OSCA has invited me to discover Mutton Cove, thanks to Janine Peacock who has collected stories and Jennifer Hofmann who has captured images, we have come up with a profile of this special site. Mutton Cove is a little gem a conservation park sitting on the...

On my open top two seater, un-motorised but elevated, I am a visitor, striding through the neighbourhood. Along the boundaries, fence-lines and roads, I circumvent Adelaide’s peri-urban and suburban districts. Here, where the landscape is begrudgingly slotted into the built environment, I laboriously make my...

Kay Lawrence spent ages weaving a text found in an old diary of her (past) self into an eight meter long tapestry. Pierre Mukeba presents us with heartbreakingly beautiful textile paintings that incorporate his experience as a child growing up in a war-zone. Jane Skeer...

As an artist in Resident in the lovely Montreal in Yonne France, I have a wonderful time. It is always great to exchange ideas and talk to other artists about life the universe and everything! I am invited by Jeanne Laurent to present some work...

I live up the Hill - we enjoy magical fog, sure, but winter means I get up in the morning and get the woodfire burning, first thing - then switch the kettle on in that order - basic survival. In front of the fireplace, that's...

I have started to Walk the Chair in Adelaide's Suburbs, a few seconds teaser: There will be more walks next week on the 30th of May and the 1st of June, check the neighbourhood and bring a story to share. You are most welcome....

Samstag 12. Mai um 11 und 12 Uhr - also zum Brunch Dreht sich wieder mal die ZENTRIFUGE - ich werfe mich in meinen urbaner Mantel ! video stills, J.Ladenhaufen - ja - ich bin in Wien und rotiere durch die Strassen (recht local am Kutschkermarkt im...

Double Check has been exhibited in Whyalla and then went to the Adelaide Airport for the next show. I got a call towards the end of the exhibition - the artwork had been stolen (the drawings, the videos ofcourse remain) - from the AIRPORT??? how...

As I am heading over to Sydney to see the Biennial. On the way - I thought I check in to see if my artworks are up to be seen around the place. Yes, they are and here are some of the current locations: 116 Bathurst...

Going in circles is not necessarily a bad thing, is it? To repeat and discover new possibilities, every location brings up variations. So here I go; ZENTRIFUGE is on the go again, I throw my weight around and warp the wheel. I wonder if I am...

Frottage lends itself to my performative practice, I love the way the paper wraps around the objects that I try to capture. I use my face, my body and continue to discover the world around me. The playfulness of a 3-dimensional world unfolding onto -...

I am not a writer, somehow words are not an easy material for me to form, but I enjoy reading and love it when the words that I need at the moment fall into my lap! Sally Vickers writes about a parallel in physics and...

No loose ends, art as ritual, sometimes you just dontwant to stuff around… listening to: Ja, Panik Have you heard about the Swedish Death Cleaning – simply radical. I thought it suits me – there is not much to be recycled after I have worn my clothes...

Fabulous workshop with Francois Knoetze at FontanellGallery - backstage so to say, organised by the wonderful OSCA - team, we are all really enjoying this and will be showing on read up: citymag Saturday at the Port Fringe at 5:30 and at 7:30 - so join us! short swing...

Working on a new performance piece, I explore the city: not quite sure if I should be walking or sitting. So I am indecisively working my way through the streets, a chair in each hand. One chair for indoors one for outdoors, or just one...

Summer is churning out some substantial heat around these days, so much of my time is spent pouring water onto the dry vegetation. While I wander around my place with the hose, I ponder the vulnerability of life. I think about the looming threat of...

This last day of January, here I am chasing the Moon - I thought it would be great to be able to see the triple sensation - but well, see for yourself: I am seperated from the universal inspiration by a thick layer of clouds. Just...

This summer has allowed for a few leisurely days to paddle along the Murray River and adore the clear night sky. of course I did collect all the plastic that I could find along the way, but it was not much, the southern hemisphere is...

Das Thema "Die andere Geschichte" führt ins Zentrum der Ästhetik und an die Schnittstelle zwischen ästhetischen und ethischen, sowie politischen Fragestellungen. Es ist das Thema der Sichtbarkeit und des plötzlichen Aufblitzens „anderer“, bisher ungewohnter oder nicht wahrgenommener Perspektiven, das mit einer Veränderung...